Friday, June 7, 2013

Mortal Gods of Music

Our group consists of Kayli Zeluff, Imani Gunner, and Carly Swift-Horth. Our podcast is going to be about music and musicians in our school and/or in the Rochester area. We will be interviewing at least three people each, making our total count of interviewees nine. We will interview pianists, a cellist, a flautist, a guitarist, a bassist, a violist, a drummer, singers, and a rapper. We will be talking to them about who their inspiration is, how they started doing what they’re doing, and what they plan on doing fiver years down the road (will they continue to play/sing?).
Our podcast is called Mortal Gods of Music. We hope that by doing this podcast, the people we talk to can inspire others to not give up and keep pursuing music.

***since I couldn't put our actual podcast on here, I figured this would work to remind you of what we did***

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