Friday, June 7, 2013

Teens and Politics

It seems these days that a lot of young people don’t really care that much about politics, but why? Is it because it’s “boring” or because they can’t do anything about it?
            While talking to a handful of students, I asked them if they’d kept up with the election and debates. Some of them kept up with them for the most part, however, one said that she did not keep up with it much at all. I asked the student who gave that response why she did not keep up with it much. “Well, I don’t want to because it’s just kind of pointless. Me watching the debates won’t change the fact that I can’t vote,” she stated. The look on the student’s face that did keep up with the election showed his confusion. He replied, “Keeping up with the election is important. Especially with people our age. Politics is always important because that’s how we run ourselves.”
            A lot of people follow in their parents’ footsteps too. If their parents don’t necessarily follow the election, then they most likely won’t follow it either. If they grew up with Republican values, then that is about 80% likely what they will be as registered voters. If they grew up with Democratic values then they’ll 80% most likely be registered as Democrats. However, once they grow up and see the world through their own eyes and not through their parents’, they may change what they’re for and what they’re against.
            People also have to take into account that politics have changed a lot within the past 40 years. There has been a drastic change from Abraham Lincoln’s time up until Barack Obama. It’s almost as though there was a complete flip in Republican and Democrat views. Recently, the two politicians who were campaigning for presidency were complete opposites when it came to their views. However, if they were alike then there would be no need to vote.
            For some teens, it’s not even that they don’t care about politics, but it’s the fact that the two political parties do not fit what they’re looking for in government. Even though they can’t vote, they still take in to account that a majority of the minors now, will be able to vote by the time of the next election. They know that the presidency affects them, but unfortunately they can’t do anything to change that. One student, when talking about the two political parties, said, “I just can’t relate to either one. Really, it’s sad. Each party is nearly similar but neither really represent what I want in government.”
            In the end, it all comes down to just that. Who represents what you’re looking for in government? Whether it be the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, whoever fits what you’re looking for, is whom you should vote for. Even if it’s too close, which one does more for you? Teens, who don’t care, may never care, but that’s okay. Teens who don’t care now, may care in the future. It all depends on whom they are and what they’re standing for, but politics will always be an important part of life.

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